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Jonesborough Soccer Association

Jonesborough Soccer Association







The ultimate governing authority of the association shall be vested with the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the association whose powers shall be delineated in the constitution and bylaws of the association.




1.      The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following Directors, each having one vote.

a.       President

b.      Vice President

c.       Secretary

d.      Treasurer

e.       Registrar

f.        Director of Coaching

g.      Risk Management Coordinator

h.      Director of Recreation

i.        Director of Trophies and Uniforms

j.        Director of Marketing and Sponsorships

k.      Referee Administrator

l.        Director of Social Media


2.      Persons holding multiple positions on the Board of Directors will only have one vote.



The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall be comprised of the President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Risk Management Coordinator and Registrar.



1.      Officers shall be elected yearly by majority vote of the general membership at our Annual General Meeting. The annual meeting shall take place in June of each year.

2.      If a position is vacated or not filled during the annual meeting, the President has the ability to appoint a person to complete the term or the remainder of the vacated term.

3.      All officers shall be elected for a three-year term, with the exception of the President Elect who will serve a still serve a three-year term, but one-year as President Elect and two-years as President, and shall not be restricted to a single term of office.

4.      Candidates for association offices may be nominated by any voting member of the Board of Directors

5.      Any officer, director, or employee may be removed by a 75% majority vote of the Board of Directors whenever it will serve the best interests of the organization. 100% Board of Directors attendance required for vote of removal of a sitting member.





1.      Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held quarterly during the off season on the first Saturday of the month, starting in January of every calendar year. Alternate dates and times may be necessary due to special circumstances and major scheduling conflicts. Meetings will be held monthly during the season, unless an Emergency Session is called by the President. Attendance at meetings can be virtual or by phone if necessary.

2.      Financial statements will be submitted to the Board of Directors on the first Saturday of every quarter by the Treasurer.

3.      Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President on an as needed basis.

4.      The Board of Directors or Executive Committee shall hold other/special meetings whenever the President deems it necessary or when the President is specifically instructed to call a meeting (in writing) by two or more members of the Board of Directors.

5.      Meetings will generally be open to the public but may occasionally be closed under special circumstances. Any person not a member of the Board of Directors wishing to speak at a meeting must submit such a request to the Secretary at least one week in advance to ensure a slot on the upcoming meeting’s agenda.

6.      At all meetings of the Board of Directors, at least 60% attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. At meetings of the Executive Committee, three members shall constitute a quorum.

7.      If a meeting is called for the purpose of filling a vacancy in office, the quorum shall be a 90% majority of the active board members.

8.      Minutes of meetings shall be recorded by the Secretary.



1.      The Board of Directors and Executive Committee shall have vested the responsibility and authority to:

a.       Interpret and enforce the Association's Constitution, Bylaws, and Playing Rules;

b.      Formulate and amend Rules in order to serve the best interests and objectives of Association;

c.       Reprimand, suspend, bar completely, or otherwise discipline any player, coach, referee, administrator, parent, or affiliated team for violations of the Associations Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules;

d.      Hire, supervise, and terminate employees;

e.       Form standing and special committees and appoint individuals to serve on such committees;

f.        The President may appoint individuals to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors until the next regular election.;

g.      Approve all positions within the association, including, without limitation, all paid positions, team coaches, team managers, Executive Committee members, and other club positions, on an annual basis;

h.      The Executive Committee shall hear and decide all protests and appeals and shall decide appropriate disciplinary actions for incidents of misconduct;

i.    Appoint a Director of Coaching with the highest professional expertise to assist in management of the day-to-day operations; and

j.    Grant decision-making authority to the Director of Coaching to act on the day-to-day business during the periods between Board meetings, the Director of Coaching will report directly to the association’s board of directors who will bear the responsibility of directly monitoring the Director of Coaching.





1.      Each Director shall carry out his or her duties in a responsible manner, acting only in the best interests of the Association.

2.      Each Director shall be prepared to report on his or her activities and areas of responsibility at meetings of the Board of Directors.

3.      Each Director shall follow the Association's financial policy regarding budget proposals, expense reports, and handling of Association monies.

4.      Each Director shall be familiar with the rules of the Association, TSSA, USSF, and its divisions.

5.      If at any time a director believes that he/she or another Director may appear to be unable to maintain objectivity on any issue because of a personal situation, employment, or other reasons, the Director should recuse himself or herself from any deliberations of the Board on the subject.

6.      If at any time a director is the topic of a violation at a scheduled meeting due to behavior, conduct or sportsmanship, be it as a coach, a referee or general representation of the organization, said Director must recuse himself of any deliberation or vote on the subject matter. All Directors will be held to the highest standard of conduct while representing the Association.



1.      President

a.       Keeps the Association directed toward Association goals and enforces the philosophy of play and club guidelines.

b.      Focuses on day-to-day operation of the Association with the Director of Coaching and assists in promoting the Association.

c.       Serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee

d.      Presides at all meetings of the Executive Committee, and Board of Directors

e.       Serves as an ex-officio non-voting member of all Association committees.

f.        Appoints committee chairmen and committee members as required.


2.      Vice President

a.       Assists the President with relationships with other groups, paperwork, and matters outside the organization of teams and the play of the game.

b.      Presides at meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors in the absence of the President.


3.      Secretary

a.       Records and distributes minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

b.      Maintains lists of members in good standing and voting eligibility for meetings.

c.       Maintains all permanent records of the Association.

d.      Responsible for all written communications of the Association, meeting notices, communication with TSSA, and contact with other leagues.


4.      Treasurer

a.       Prepares the annual Association budget and submits it to the Board of Directors and general membership for approval.

b.      Maintains records and receipts of all money to be deposited in a recognized bank in the name of the Association. Pays all accounts by check with his or her signature, or with the signature of the registrar.

c.       Submits financial reports at each quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors.

d.      Produces all financial records when required by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee, properly balanced, and reflecting the current financial status of the Association.

e.       Prepares and files tax returns in a timely manner.

f.        Prepares any and all documents pertaining to the Association's Charter and tax-exempt status and is authorized to obtain the services of an accountant or attorney, as appropriate; arranges for periodic audit of the Association's books.


5.      Registrar

a.       Arranges for and oversees the annual registration of players.

b.      Maintains communications with TSSA concerning procedures for registration of players.

c.       Responsible for collecting fees and player forms; submitting all registration data to the state association in a timely manner; and ensuring that all players are properly registered.

d.      Assists the Recreational and Club Team Directors and Age Group Coordinators as needed with assigning of players to teams.

e.       Pays all accounts by check with his or her signature, or with the signature of the Treasurer.


6.      Director of Coaching

a.       Works to procure qualified coaches for all teams.

b.      Responsible for supervision and evaluation of Association coaches.

c.       Arranges for periodic training and certification of coaches.

d.      Evaluate outcomes of programs and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

e.       Works closely with schools and local education institutions in promoting the club and the game of soccer in the community.

f.        Represents the interests of the Association's coaches before the Board of Directors.

g.      Monitors league issues and passes recommendations to the Board of Directors.

h.      Helps to solicit corporate funding with the Board of Directors and monitors the association’s contributor and community satisfaction.


7.      Risk Management Coordinator

a.       Serves as manager for the Association's Risk Management Program.

b.      Communicates and distributes educational material on risk management.

c.       Obtains signed Employment/Volunteer Disclosure Statements for all coaches, managers, administrators, employees, and volunteers with exposure to youth of the Association.

d.      Submits completed disclosure statements to the state office.

e.       Certifies in writing that all goals, fields and grounds utilized by the Association are in compliance with TSSA Goal/Field Inspection Forms requirements.

f.        Submits annually Goal/Field Inspection forms to state office

g.      Communicates and distributes TN State Law information regarding Concussion Forms and stores for 3 years signature documentation.

h.      Ensure all fields are safe for play due to weather or any other incident affecting the field of play.

i.        Coordinate with the Director of Teams in the event any game must be delayed, postponed or called off due to a field safety issue.


8.      Recreational Director

a.       Oversees and directs the recreational program

b.      Works to assign players and coaches to teams and the scheduling of games in a fair and equitable manner

c.       Works closely with other directors and administrators as well as the coaches to see that players are properly registered and assigned to teams, that they receive uniforms, that games are scheduled, and that referees are assigned to all games.

d.      Works with the Club Team Director in coordinating field availability.

e.       Provides the Referee Administrator with game schedules and notification of any changes in schedule


9.      Director of Trophies and Uniforms

a.       Oversees and directs the design and creation of uniforms for all teams.

b.      Works to assign players and coaches uniforms.

c.       Works closely with other directors and administrators as well as the coaches to see that players are properly registered and assigned to teams, that they receive uniforms.

d.      Works with the Board of Directors on securing trophies for end of year ceremonies.


10.  Director of Marketing and Sponsorships

a.       Oversees and directs the procurement of sponsors for the association.

b.      Creates marketing and fundraising campaigns with the goal of securing donations and sponsorships for the association.


11.  Director of Team Coordination

  1. Team Coordinators will work with the Director of Coaching, Director of Recreation and the Player Agents to ensure all issues are addressed amongst the teams.
  2. Oversee bringing any necessary issues to the board.
  3. Liaison between teams and the Board of Directors.
  4. Coordinate usage of fields for team training.


12. Referee Administrator

a.       Works to procure qualified referees for all teams.

b.      Responsible for supervision and evaluation of Association referees.

c.       Arranges for periodic training and certification of referees.

d.      Evaluates outcomes of programs and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

e.       Works closely with schools and local education institutions in promoting the club and the game of soccer in the community.

f.        Represents the interests of the Association's referees on the Board of Directors.

g.      Monitors league issues and passing on recommendations to the Board of Directors.

h.      Helps to solicit corporate funding with the Board of Directors and monitors the association’s contributor and community satisfaction.


13. Director of Social Media

a.       Monitor and oversee all social media accounts related to the association.

b.      Ensure Social Media consent forms are signed for all players being used in social media images.

c.       ensure sponsors are updated and tagged in social media post in accordance with their sponsorship packages







1.      The Association's Board of Directors may confirm the appointment of chairmen and members to serve on standing committees

2.      Specific duties and responsibilities of each committee, procedures for selecting committee members, and job descriptions for committee members shall be established by the Board of Directors.

3.      Committee members who fail to carry out their duties in a responsible manner or whose actions are detrimental to the Association and/or its programs may be removed from their position by the Board of Directors.



Standing Committees and their general areas of responsibility shall be as follows:

1.      Appeals and Discipline: The Executive Committee, with the President as Chairman, serves as the Associations Appeals and Discipline Committee to hear protests and appeals and make decisions on appropriate disciplinary action for incidents of misconduct. If the President or any other member of the board is the subject of disciplinary action, they must recuse themselves from deliberation.

2.      Budget and Finance: Chaired by the Treasurer; responsible for preparation of the Association’s annual budget and presentation of the proposed budget to the Board of Directors

3.      Coaching: Chaired by the Director of Coaching; responsible for establishing and administering programs for coaches

4.      Insurance: Chaired by the registrar; is familiar with the Associations insurance programs and claim procedures; answers questions about the coverage, maintains a supply of claim forms, and assists in filing claims with TSSA.

5.      Long Range Planning: Chaired by the President Elect; to set long-range goals for the Association and formulate plans for accomplishment

6.      Publicity: Maintains a good working relationship with the local newspapers, radio and TV stations, getting maximum coverage for special soccer events and for player registration

7.      Recreation Committee: handles all matters related to the recreational teams and play of the game including assignment of players to teams, scheduling and rescheduling of games and practices, settling problems between coaches in each group, finding coaches, arranging for coach and player instruction; enforces the philosophy of the Association and coach and parent (spectator) conduct on the field and at practice; assists the Board of Directors in planning, establishing, and administering the Association's rules and regulations related to play of games.

8.      Rules and Regulations: Chaired by the Risk Manager; annually reviews current and proposed rules of the Association and recommends changes in the Association's Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules including any that may be required by state or national rules.

9.      Special Events: Arranges for all tournaments, skills contests, annual meetings, or other special events of the Association; responsible for submitting applications to the state soccer association for any tournaments.

10.  Team Organization: Each coach will be expected to organize his/her team and its parents to handle the various tasks related to the team itself. Positions to fill include Team Manager as right-hand to the coach and coordinator of all assignments not related to coaching; Assistant Coaches to help the head coach in instructing the players and any others that may be appropriate for the team’s structure.



Jonesborough Soccer Association
123 Boone St 
Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659

Phone: 423-431-9415
Email: [email protected]

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